Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Work Harder -- Be Better

I went to a graveside service of a friend's son-in-law today.  He was 51 years old and left a wife and 5 children.  He was on a fishing trip up in Alaska, went in and laid down and didn't wake up.  The autopsy showed nothing!  It was like Heavenly Father reached down and just took him home.  He was a teacher and a wrestling coach.  He was the same age as my baby brother and was a classmate of his. He was waiting on the birth of his grandchild, had plans to retire in 4 years and come back to Star Valley and build a new home on his ranch in Freedom.  My heart aches for the family that he left behind.
At the service, a fellow coach and friend, said a few words before he dedicated the grave.  He told of being Jody's mission companion and of the lesson he learned from Jody-  Work Harder--Be Better.  Those words touched my heart today and maybe Jody is still teaching life's lessons even in death.